

Thank you for coming to the forum pages for 2TX Owners.  As always, this is a work in progress.


There are couple of things to keep in mind.

1. The Documentation / Minutes threads will only have new topics added by the Board. You will have the ability to reply to those threads and ask any questions you may have.


2. When uploading media, you may be limited by the size. If you are unable to upload, lower the size of the file and try again. If you still experience an issue, reach out to the Admin for some help in the Questions thread.


3. We do NOT have the ability to view “thumbnails” of the files you upload. You will need to click the image or video link to view it.

This limitation can be remedied in the pro version. However, at this time it has been decided to keep expenses to a minimum.

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[Sticky] SEPTIC System

Member Admin Registered
Joined: 1 month ago
Posts: 8
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2TXOwners - with the completion of our septic system edging ever so
closer, please review the attached documentation regarding usage and

A septic system is NOT as versatile as a public sewer system -
there are things it CANNOT handle or process. Make every effort to see
that these rules are followed - for those renting out their hangars,
make sure these rules are posted to your tenants/renters as well. I also
ask that you acknowledge your reading/understanding of these rules by
commenting in the thread that follows.

This is an expensive ($$$$) cost that we as an association bare -- let's
keep this as trouble free as we can!

Please see attached and acknowledge.

Thanks !


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Member Admin Registered
Joined: 1 month ago
Posts: 8
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